
Friday, August 23, 2019

Readers Theater

Reader’s Theater

The Three Little Pigs
Reader parts: narrator, pig 1, pig 2, pig 3, the wolf

Narrator: One day there were three little pigs, they wanted to play card but they had to make there house.

Pig 1: I’m going to build my house out of hay.

Pig 2: I'm going to make my house out of wood

Pig 3: Well i'm going to make my house out of brick

Narrator: So the three pigs started building their houses.

Narrator: Pig 1 and Pig 2 finished their house in 1 hour.

Pig 1: I'm done

Pig 2: I'm done too.

Narrator: The two pigs sat down and played cards.

Pig 3: oh no look a wolf.

Narrator: The pigs all ran to their houses, he blew down the hay house.

Pig 1: Oh no my house.

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the wood house down.

Pig 2: Oh no my house.

Narrator: Pig 1 and pig 2 ran to pig 3 ́s house, So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew… and oh nothing happened? What, how that's not how it goes. Reader do you know what is going on.


Pig 3: No, I made my house wolf proof so you can't get us.

Narrator: So the wolf got mad and looked around. He saw the chimney and climbed up the house.

Wolf: I'm gonna get you.

Pig 1: Nooooo

Pig 2: Nooooo

Pig 3: Yessssss, the fire is one the pot is ready.

Narrator: The wolf jumped down the chimney and fell in the pot. The pigs huffed and puffed and blew on their freshly cooked wolf meat.

Narrator: THE END.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Minecraft Animation

We have been learning to embed videos and here is one of them. I will do some more.