
Friday, November 20, 2020


 We have been learning about different ways of how to multiply squares and make them have a certain amounts. we got given pictures of number one, two and three and we had to look at how many squares there were. Then we figured out how they correlate to each other. So we had to find that for numbers up to fifty.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Constructive building

 Today we made shapes using our constructive skills. There were multiple choices of what shape you could do. I did a pentagonal star pyramid. All of us learnt how to construct stuff with the resources we have.


Friday, November 6, 2020



This is a picture of my understanding of polygons. As you can see I have sorted these shapes into the correct boxes. The shape in the Not Polygons box that looks like a sand timer is actually a complex polygon but in this case we are just doing normal polygons. A polygon is a shape the has only strait lines and they don't bend. A non polygon has curved lines and that means it cant be a polygon. A polygon has to be a connected line, it cant be a loose end. It also cant be a circle because that has a bend all the way round.